When you perform this movement, the way you want to hold the bar is directly behind your head, and having it rest across your neck.
Once in place, with the pulley at the correct height, you’re able to come all the way down, then all the way back up to get a full contraction and really overload those abs. To get into position, go onto your knees and hold the attachment behind your head.

You want to be able to get almost directly underneath the pulley because that’s going to place you in the strongest position to lift the most amount of weight. The proper placement for the pulley is to actually bring it to about the same height as your head, or slightly above the height of your head. You’ll still get a crunch in your abs, you’ll still be able to come all the way down, but you’ll quickly notice that you won’t be able to lift as much weight, and that defeats the purpose of the exercise. So, if you have the pulley even a little bit too low, in order to get a proper crunch in, you have to start moving farther and farther away from the pulley itself, which is going to change how you hold the bar, and how you do the crunch. Remember, the entire point of this exercise is you want to overload your abs as much as possible. If you go too low, even a little bit too low, it really starts to change the motion of the movement and how the weight is pulling on your torso. It happened to me, I’m sure it’s happened to some of you, it makes a really loud noise, you look kind of ridiculous and you can’t get a full crunch. Number one, if you have the pulley too high, depending on the cable machine that you’re working on, it’s very possible for the weight stack to smash into the top of the machine halfway through the movement. This can be a problem in two different ways. This first mistake occurs before you even start the movement. Mistake #1: Not Properly Adjusting The Height Of The Pulley No more endless reps of crunches and sit-ups like you've done in the past! Focus on sets in the 8-15 rep range, and no higher.Today we are going to be going over the 4 dumbest mistakes on my ABsolute favorite abdominal exercise for building thick and blocky abs, and that is the AB PULLDOWN! This means core training should be in moderate rep ranges. To get their attention and stimulate growth, you need hard, heavy, and powerful exercise. Fast-twitch muscle fibers are denser than their counterparts, the slow-twitch muscle fibers. The muscles of the core are made up of primarily fast-twitch muscle fibers. Transverse abdominis: Deep core, stabilizes the spine.Obliques (internal and external): Side of the waist, tilts and bends the torso.Rectus abdominis: Front of abs, pulls the upper torso to the hips.

Your core is made of at least three muscles, all of which need to be trained to have truly strong, defined abs.

But once you are at the right body fat percentage to see abs, this program will make sure yours pop! How to Train for Six-Pack Abs It's a five-phase, 20-week cycle of beginner ab workouts, but don't let the B-word fool you these workouts can help anyone, at any experience level, build muscular abs! Yes, your diet, supplements, and cardio training will have to be dialed in.