For close range pig-hunting, it's a game changer. Even though you may not be sneaking through houses in Syria, being able to walk around or hunt without EarPro and not have to worry about your hearing if you take a shot has significant advantages. If you want to be ninja quiet, then shoot subsonics. 300 blackout is absolutely better than subsonic, in all areas but one. 300 AAC blackout has the advantage of having a more effective shape for delivering energy, expanding, and tumbling through vital organs, but it's main advantage while subsonic is it's quiet report, and the ability to make multiple hits on target very rapidly. 45 ACP to be the mighty fist of God, we know today that pretty much ALL handgun rounds are pretty terrible at stopping threats. Subsonic rounds have about the same energy on target as a.

These lowered stats can result in unethical game kills and can lead to animal suffering even if you think you made a clean shot.

While subsonic ammunition surely does have its benefits when it comes to covert operations, close range, and personal defense, this kind of bullet is not ideal for the big game hunter.300 Blackout subsonic is not ideal for medium to long range hunting, as the velocity and kinesthetic shock is greatly lowered from the supersonic. In fact, SOF Operators have reported shooting terrorists in one room of a house, and not having woken up bad guys sleeping in adjacent rooms. Because of the lower pressures at the muzzle, and the lack of a supersonic report, shooting "subs" is completely hearing safe and comfortable for the operator and those around them. 300 Blackout is extremely quiet, and competes with the famous MP5-SD in terms of stealthiness. The additional bullet weight keeps the rounds from breaking the sound barrier, and gives them as much energy as possible.Ģ20gr. Subsonic bullets generally boast a lighter recoil than their speedy relatives, and have an added weight coming to around 180-220 grains in a standard.

If you're looking for "Hollywood Quiet", these are the loads you want to be shooting. 300 blackout rifle, even with a suppressor, still makes for a very compact package. Suppressing a supersonic round does a great job of protecting your hearing, but you'll never get the Hollywood effect. So while someone may not be able to pinpoint where they are being shot at from, they're still going to be very aware that they ARE being shot at. However, suppressors can't get rid of the sonic boom left in a supersonic bullets wake. A can on the end of your rifle is going to cut down significantly on the overpressure at the shooters ear, and can bring the muzzle blast down to more manageable levels. Just because it's not ideal, doesn't mean it can't be suppressed. Even the SOF guys will still do 99% of their gunfighting with supersonic rounds. This is the ammunition you want to train with, hunt with, and be the most familiar with. For the vast majority of applications, supersonic ammunition is the most practical choice, and it has the added benefit of being cheaper as well. Supersonic ammunition will provide more range, energy delivered on target, and less drop or wind-drift at range. Speed equals energy, so (typically), the faster a bullet can travel, the better. 22lr breaks the sound barrier, and gives a small sonic crack. Supersonic is your traditional rifle round. If you want a combat rifle with a hard-hitting round. This can actually vary a fair bit depending on altitude, temperature, and humidity, but in general, 1100fps is the determining number used in the firearms industry to differentiate the two. The speed of sound (in reference to how it travels through air, like a bullet) is approximately 1,100 feet-per-second (fps) at sea level.

The supersonic and subsonic bullets draw their names from how they each respectively relate to the sound barrier. 300 AAC Blackout name), our nations Special Operations Forces wanted a weapon system that could switch between sub-sonic and super-sonic rounds effectively and quickly, from a compact package, while not having to move away from the M4 based platforms they were already familiar with. Originally born of a US SOCOM contract with Advanced Armament Corporation (hence the. 300blk round has skyrocketed in popularity the past decade.